金沢 英哲(かなざわ ひであき)
Mr. Hideaki KANAZAWA
Swallowish Clinic 創設者
*Swallowish Clinic 院長
*聖隷クリストファー大学 臨床教授
Total Nutritional Therapy修了 他
NPO Patient Doctors Network:編集委員
NPO 口から食べる幸せを守る会:理事補佐
NPO Blossom For All:理事
NPO 台灣健康關愛發展協會:名誉顧問(中華民國🇹🇼) 他
2002 獨協医科大学医学部卒業
2002-2010 自治医科大学耳鼻咽喉科学教室
2004 聖隷三方原病院リハビリテーション診療科
2007-2008 一色クリニック形成外科・耳鼻咽喉科
2008-2010 小山市民病院耳鼻咽喉科
2010-2011 大原綜合病院耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部顔面外科
2010-2017 金沢耳鼻咽喉科医院
2011-2020 浜松市リハビリテーション病院リハビリテーション科
2017-現在 Swallowish株式会社 設立,代表取締役
2018-現在 Swallowish Clinic 開設,院長
2023-現在 聖隷クリストファー大学 臨床教授
I am KANAZAWA Hideaki, the founder of Swallowish Clinic.
When I began my training as an otolaryngologist and head-neck surgeon in 2002. Despite successful surgeries, patients recovering from tongue cancer still struggled with post-operative swallowing disorders. It was during this time that I found hope in the concept of "swallowing rehabilitation," a team-based medical approach. During my later residency years, I undertook training in the field of rehabilitation medicine. I delved deeply into surgical treatments for swallowing and voice disorders, aiming to improve patient's quality of life. With a commitment to minimally invasive procedures that ensure long-lasting benefits for patients, I have also developed unique surgical techniques.
Subsequently, I spent around nine years working at a rehabilitation hospital specialising in swallowing rehabilitation, where I wholeheartedly welcomed individuals with severe disabilities from across the nation. Through this experience, I witnessed cases where patients desired treatment but were unable to visit due to unstable overall health or remote locations, or even passed away while awaiting treatment.
Among those individuals grappling with swallowing disorders, there are those who can effectively communicate and endure training and treatment and those who cannot. For instance, some individuals exhibit diminished cognitive function, making it difficult (or explicitly expressing their inability) to overcome the challenges through training. Others decline extended hospital stays or require prolonged medical care due to unstable overall health. There are also those in the final stages of life due to chronic illnesses. Embracing this diversity of individuals labelled as facing difficulty in "eating through the mouth," I have realised that rather than asking patients to adapt to my schedule, I must traverse their world comprehensively to provide optimal medical care in the places they are familiar with.
In light of these considerations, I established our clinic. Alongside my roles as an advisor and practitioner at various medical institutions, mobile dental clinics, home care nursing stations, and healthcare companies, I dedicate myself to offering medical care primarily during weekday evenings and weekends, both across Japan and neighbouring Asian countries.
The term "Swallowish" is a neologism coined by Dr. Kanazawa. "Swallow" denotes the act of swallowing, while "Wish" represents hope. This term encapsulates my intention to grant the hope of eating through the mouth to individuals burdened by severe swallowing disorders.
2023-RN: Seirei Christopher University, Clinical Professor
2018-RN: Swallowish Clinic, Founder & Director
2017-RN: Swallowish Inc., Founder & CEO
2011-2020: Hamamatsu Rehabilitation Hosp, Dept of Rehab
Swallowing & Voice Center, Deputy Director
2010-2017: Kanazawa ENT Clinic, Deputy Director
2010-2011: Ohara General Hosp, Dept of ENT
2008-2010: Oyama Municipal Hosp, Dept of ENT
2007-2008: Isshiki Clinic-Kyoto Voice Surgery Center
2004: Seirei Mikatahara General Hosp, Dept of Rehab
2002-2010: Jichi Medical University, Dept of ENT
2002: Graduated from Dokkyo Medical University
2020: B.C. Clinical Ethics Executive Adviser
B.C. Consulting Doctor for Dysphagia
2019: B.C. The operator of the Type Ⅱ Thyroplasty
2017: B.C. CPAP Therapy
2016: B.C. Clinical Ethics Adviser
2011: National Certified Prosthetics and Orthotics
2010: B.C. Specialist of the Japanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation
2007: B.C. Otorhinolaryngologist
2006: National Certified Logopedics and Phoniatrics
2005: B.C. Total Nutritional Therapy
2002: National Certified Medical Licensure
【Professional Membership】
Councillor: The Society of Swallowing and Dysphagia of Japan
Councillor: The Japanese Rehabilitation Society of Dysphagia
Councillor: The Japan Association for Clinical Ethics
Councillor: The Society of Japanese Clinical Dysphagia Research
Editorial Board: NPO Patient Doctors Network
Assistant Director: NPO KTSM
Director: NPO Blossom For All
Honorary Advisor: NPO Taiwan Health Keeper Development Association